
  • My New School


    You won't believe the crazy thingsI'm learning how to do.I'm learning how to juggle,ride a unicycle, too.I now know how to twist balloonsi...

  • My uncle had an ant farmwhere he raised a lot of ants.He taught a few to play guitar,he taught a few to dance.Another one, or maybe two,he tutored on ...

  • My dog is not the smartest dog alive.He seems to think that two and two is five.He's sure Japan's the capital of France.He says that submarine...

  • (sung to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean")My pets were out practicing football.My frog intercepted a pass.My cat and my dog and m...

  • School Supplies


    Backpack.Fruit snack.Waterbottle too.Educator calculator.Pink eraser.Glue.Notebooks.Workbooks.Poster paper.Pens.Dictionary.Stationery.Presents for my ...

  • I have to write a poembut I really don't know how.So maybe I'll just make a rhymewith something dumb, like "cow."Okay, I'll writ...

  • The teachers jumped out of the windows.The principal ran for the door.The nurse and librarian bolted.They're not coming back anymore.The counselor...

  • I'm Staying at Home


    I'm staying at homeand I'm staying in bedand I'm not gonna go into school.I'm tired of coaches.I'm tired of teachers.I think they&...

  • Can't Sleep


    I'm battling insomnia.I cannot get to sleepdespite a rather valiantattempt at counting sheep.I counted to a hundred.Then I had a glass of milk.I f...

  • I saw you steal second base.I saw you kill some time.I saw you shoot some basketballs.I saw you flip a dime.I saw you cut some corners.I saw you stab ...

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