
  • 科学家发现,即使不听对方说话,也可以辨认出一个人来自哪里。是不是很神奇?其实你也能做到,这是因为我们的表情动作也自带口音”。The accents that creep into the way we speak can reveal a lot about where we are f...

  • 随着中国社交媒体和短视频应用的发展,很多老年人成为短视频的粉丝和博主。他们在网上分享美食和生活趣事,给观众带来了新鲜感和惊喜。老年网红”走红中国社交媒体,也打破了人们对老年人的刻板印象。In the first half of last year, Tan Zhouhai was a v...

  • Queen opens estate as cinema英女王庄园变汽车影院Britain's Queen Elizabeth will open up one of her private estates to the public for a drive-through movie ni...

  • Currently, on the Chinese mainland, the virus can only be found in hospitalized patients, people placed under medical observation and laboratories, Wu...

  • It was a few years ago.这是几年前的事情。A friend had sent me a restaurant gift card for Christmas一个朋友送给我一张餐厅礼品券作为圣诞节的礼物。and I had picked a pretty, sunny Sunda...

  • 流感季将至,而新冠疫情却还未结束。为了防止流感和新冠疫情并发令医疗系统崩溃,亚洲多国都大幅增加了流感疫苗的供应量,还扩大了免费接种流感疫苗的人群。Some Asian countries are rolling out early and more aggressive influenza vacc...

  • study: the moon is rusting研究发现月球正在生锈The moon is turning red, and it's likely Earth's fault.月球正在变红,这很可能是地球的错。Our planet's atmosphere may be...

  • The accents that creep into the way we speak can reveal a lot about where we are from, but there are also subtle clues visible in our faces and the wa...

  • Suga elected president of LDP菅义伟当选自民党总裁Yoshihide Suga, 71, became the 26th president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Monday, winning...

  • Microsoft's bid rejectedTikTok已拒绝微软收购Microsoft on Sunday said ByteDance will not be selling TikTok's US operations to the company.微软9月13日表示,字节...