
  • 美,拯救世界


    A dear friend sent me a letter and handmade card in the mail today.今天,我的一个好友通过邮件寄了一封信给我,其中还有一张手工卡片On the outside of the card卡片的外面was a cut out picture...

  • 为了鼓励人们结婚生育,日本政府可谓是使尽了招数。最近日本政府又宣布,将为新婚夫妇提供多达60万日元的结婚补助金,助其轻松开启新生活。Newly married couples can receive up to 600,000 yen to cover their rent and other co...

  • Efforts in depression prevention我国将加大抑郁症防治China's health authority on Friday unveiled an action plan for depression prevention and treatment, part...

  • EU plans to penalize tech firms欧盟欲向科技巨头发难Big tech companies may be penalized by the European Union under plans that might force them to break up or se...

  • Deal may solve TikTok's dilemmaTikTok与美企达成协议Video-sharing social networking platform TikTok on Saturday voiced hope that an agreement reached by i...

  • 月宫仙子嫦娥只是中国神话,但在不久的未来,月球上将会迎来第一名人类女性。美国宇航局宣布,计划在2024年将包括女性在内的一批宇航员送往月球,这将是人类自1972年以来首次回到月球表面。NASA has big plans for 2024.美国宇航局将在2024年有大动作。The space age...

  • 万圣节就要到了,而美国新冠疫情指标又有抬头倾向,最近一周单日新增确诊病例和死亡病例均呈上升趋势。为防止新冠病毒在万圣节活动中传播,美国疾控中心发布了万圣节活动指南,按照安全风险将节日活动分为三个等级,并建议人们采取安全的庆祝方式。In a year that's been plenty sc...

  • 澳大利亚塔斯玛尼亚州西海岸发生大规模鲸鱼搁浅事件,现约有380头已经死亡,其他50头仍有生命体征,已被救援人员释放。考虑到天气和潮汐情况,救援工作可能需要持续数天。About 380 whales have died in what is suspected to be Australia'...

  • 以玩命特技闻名的阿汤哥这次准备把特技玩到太空去。现年58岁的汤姆·克鲁斯将和《谍影重重》导演道格·里曼一起乘坐SpaceX的龙飞船前往国际空间站拍摄电影。飞船定于明年10月发射。热爱挑战不可能的任务”的阿汤哥将成为好莱坞史上首位上外太空拍摄电影的男星。Tom ...

  • UK imposes tougher measures英国再度收紧防疫措施British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told people on Tuesday to work from home when possible and ordered bars and ...