
  • At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady.在一家餐厅,一只蟑螂不知从哪儿突然飞了出来,落在一位女士的大腿上。She started screaming out of fear.女士吓得惊声尖...

  • 小时候父母都不让我们打电子游戏,觉得打游戏是浪费时间,会荒废学业,但是如今新研究指出,小时候玩电子游戏的人长大后的工作记忆力更强、反应更快。A number of studies have shown how playing video games can lead to structural ch...

  • Tom Cruise will officially take on his biggest stunt yet in October 2021 when he travels to outer space to film a new movie.汤姆·克鲁斯将于2021年10月正式开...

  • 欧盟当地时间9月24日升高了对新冠疫情的警报,称多个成员国目前的情况比春季的疫情高峰更加严重。欧盟呼吁成员国立即”加强管控措施,以应对新的新冠病毒传染源。The European Commission urged EU members states Thursday to better ...

  • 一项研究显示,在美国加利福尼亚州的旧金山湾,封城期间交通噪音的下降致使该地区的白冠麻雀改变了其叫声的音量和质量。它们用更轻柔的声音歌唱”,歌声变得更美,而且传得更远。San Francisco birds started singing differently in the quiet ...

  • What is it like to be a poor student at a very rich university or high school?在一家富人学校做一个穷学生是什么感觉?获得22554好评的回答@ Virginia Kettles:During my first year o...

  • quora:How do I become a morning person?怎么把早晨变成自己的巅峰时刻获得8.9k 好评的回答@Dean Yeong:Quick two points here to make the process easier:做到这两点可以使过程更容易:1. Never f...

  • Tesla sues US government特斯拉起诉美国政府US electric automaker Tesla has filed a lawsuit with the US Court of International Trade in New York, which aims to p...

  • Global science cities 2020全球科研城市榜单出炉Beijing ranked as the top science city globally, followed by New York, Boston, San Francisco/San Jose and Shanghai...

  • Millennials saving for retirement超半数85后”为退休储蓄People from China aged 18 to 34 are setting aside more money than a year ago for retirement funds, ...