
  • 你可以想象,木头比玻璃更适合做窗户的材料吗?美国科学家最新研发的透明木材”不但透明度可以媲美窗户,而且比窗户锁热能力更强、更环保、更耐用、更安全也更轻。Scientists have designed ‘transparent wood’ that could r...

  • 由于新冠疫情的影响,大多数微软员工仍在家工作。近日,该公司在内部发布了混合工作场所”指南,该指南指出,经过管理人员批准后微软员工可以永久性进行远程工作。Microsoft has told staff that they will have the option of working f...

  • Wine vessel sells for 390K pounds乾隆年间酒壶拍出高价A tiny teapot-shaped antique, discovered in a garage in England during a lockdown clear-out, sold for 390,0...

  • What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?别人曾为你做过的最浪漫的事是什么?获得5.8k好评的答案@Jayashree RaviThis might sound like a very silly answer, ...

  • What things do Chinese people find strange about the West?西方哪些事物在中国人看来很奇怪?获得30.8k好评的答案@Helen QieYears ago I went to London and had a super wonderful t...

  • 你可能想不到,美国宇航员在太空中也可以参与美国大选投票!近日,美国宇航局披露了他们的宇航员是如何实现太空投票的,一起来了解一下。With the US election just weeks away, NASA has explained how astronauts vote in space....

  • 澳大利亚最新研究显示,钞票、玻璃和其他常见表面上的新冠病毒可能在数周内一直具有传染性。这项研究强调了纸币、触屏设备、门把手和扶手传播病毒的风险。The virus that causes COVID-19 can last up to 28 days on surfaces such as mobi...

  • Boris Johnson is drawing up plans to shut pubs and restaurants in the north of England within days to contain a surging infection rate.英国首相鲍里斯·...

  • Disney's "Soul" will no longer debut in theaters. The new Pixar animated feature will instead arrive on the company's streaming serv...

  • 在全球新冠肺炎病例不断增多的同时,仍有一些国家和民众相信甚至采取群体免疫作为抗疫策略。对此,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞表示,群体免疫原本是用于疫苗接种的一个概念,用群体免疫作为应对新冠疫情的策略既不科学也不道德,并重申疫情防控没有捷径。Using the principle of so-called ...