
  • 英国牛津大学的科学家研发出一种快速的新冠病毒检测方法,能够在5分钟内识别出新冠病毒,这种方法有望应用于机场和企业的大规模检测。Scientists from Britain’s University of Oxford have developed a rapid Covid-19 te...

  • 真正的名媛是什么样呢?这段近百年前三位女性的珍贵留影,也许能给你答案。这则珍贵视频拍摄于1929年,来自美国南卡罗来纳大学(University of South Carolina)的动态影像研究数据库(Moving Image Research Collections)。三位民国小姐姐面对镜头从容...

  • 10月是诺贝尔奖的颁奖月,物理学、化学、以及文学奖都有女性获奖者的身影。她们的科学或文学成就已经有非常多解读了。今天,双语君带你听一听她们的成长与态度。Andrea M. Ghez物理学今年诺贝尔物理学奖有三位得主,他们都因为在黑洞领域的研究而获得了该奖。Three scientists won t...

  • Are there any lies that your parents told you as a kid that you believed for longer than you'd like to admit?你小时候,父母有没有告诉过你什么谎言,而你相信了很久,久到你都不想承认?获...

  • "For what it's worth...无论好坏成败it's never too late永远不要觉得太晚or, in my case,或者,在我的亲身经历中too early太早to be whoever you want to be.去成为你想要成为的那个人The...

  • What things can you do in China that you cannot do in the USA?什么事可以在中国做却在美国行不通?获得11.9k 好评的回答@Michelle ZhouIn China在中国You can become a Panda-Nanny.你可以成...

  • 一到万圣节,就会有许许多多南瓜被雕成南瓜灯,这些南瓜颜色鲜艳又饱满,不知道吃起来味道怎么样呢?实际上,装饰性南瓜和食用南瓜完全是不同的品种,前者是不建议食用的,因为不是很美味,如果真的要吃,那一定要选用没被雕刻过的南瓜。When people visit their local family-own...

  • Playing games improves memory儿时玩电玩提升认知力A number of studies have shown playing video games can lead to structural changes in the brain, including incre...

  • With the US election just weeks away, NASA has explained how astronauts vote in space.距离美国大选仅有几周,美国宇航局近日揭秘宇航员如何在太空中投票。The space agency has a motto of ...

  • Ronaldo positive for coronavirusC罗感染新冠正接受隔离Cristiano Ronaldo has become the latest international soccer star to test positive for the coronavirus.克里斯蒂...