
  • What are the best quotes from anime?动画里的最棒的名言有哪些?获得132好评的答案@Prateek Kedia"Life isn't about what river you live in but how you swim in the riv...

  • What are some uncommon habits that contribute to success?哪些非同寻常的习惯可以助你成功?获得108好评的回答@Nela Canovic:All 5 of these habits have one thing in common: they ...

  • 你是军迷吗?如果是,正在热映的最新大片《金刚川》会吸引你走进电影院。根据猫眼专业版票房数据,截至10月25日15点,《金刚川》上映仅三天,票房便突破3亿大关。影片改编自真实事件,不少网友被剧情深深感动,提醒其他观众要带好纸巾。#金刚川泪点#也上了微博热搜To mark the 70th annive...

  • 如何保证员工在办公室保持社交距离?以色列一家公司的智能传感器可以帮管理者解决这一难题。只要在天花板上安装这一传感器,就能跟踪记录人与人之间的距离,当间距过小时还能发警报提醒。If businesses are to get reluctant workers back into the office...

  • 秋季招聘已经开始,你是否在找工作或准备跳槽?很多人在求职时基本不会拒绝对方所提供的薪水,更不知道该如何开口要求加薪。行业薪资信息网站Salary.com给出四点薪酬谈判建议,教你如何与老板讨价还价。Did you negotiate your salary for your current job?...

  • 在联系多年不见的老朋友时,你是选择打电话,还是发信息?很多人为了避免尴尬,会选择发信息,然而,研究发现,打电话才是联络感情的最佳方式。So many things can keep you from seeing your loved ones in person, from busy schedu...

  • When people visit their local family-owned pumpkin patch around Halloween, they aren't usually looking for dinner. The majority of the nearly 2 bi...

  • Less salt, more potassium国人饮食严重高盐低钾”Researchers recently conducted an investigation into Chinese people's dietary habits and suggested they ...

  • Chinese artwork sells for $77m明代长卷5.12亿元成交The Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) painter Wu Bin's long scroll "Ten Views of a Fantastic Rock" was ...

  • The quiet carriages are aimed at providing a more tranquil and comfortable ambience for travelers. Passengers willing to obey the rules can choose the...