
  • Oversight of online lending网贷加快接入征信体系China will accelerate the process for the inclusion of credit information about online lending in its credit refe...

  • Given the continuing spread of COVID-19 around the globe, as well as entry, visa and flight restrictions imposed by a number of countries, some Chines...

  • China to brace for holiday rush双节临近航空需求旺盛China's air travel sector has recovered significantly and is expected to brace for a holiday travel rush ...

  • Do most British still keep the traditional activities such as afternoon tea?大多数英国人还保持着喝下午茶这样的传统习俗吗?获得1.5k好评的回答@Fiona Wilson Branson:Clearly you have b...

  • 纽约市议会近日通过一项法案,为减少新冠疫情给纽约餐饮业带来的损失,餐馆可对顾客收取最高10%的疫情恢复费”。New York City diners may soon see a Covid-19 surcharge on their bills as the restaurant in...

  • 坐在宽敞明亮的度假屋里,落地窗外是碧蓝的天空和清澈的海水,一边敲键盘一边还有阵阵海风吹来,这样的工作环境简直就像在做梦!可如今,这样的机会就摆在眼前。Always wanted to live abroad? Now may be your best chance.一直想去国外生活?现在可能是你的最...

  • 考虑到留学生秋季入学面临出行、转机等一系列困难,英国已有20多所高校联合包机接中国留学生返英。贝尔法斯特女王大学在英国高校中率先推出针对中国学生的包机服务。而由于国际学生流失,澳大利亚的多所大学正经历裁员潮。英国大学包机接中国留学生返校Three hundred and sixty nine Chi...

  • SIA to launch 'flights to nowhere'新加坡推无目的地航班”Singapore Airlines (SIA) is looking to launch no-destination flights that will depart from ...

  • Greece supplies gigantic masks希腊给学生发巨型口罩Greece's plan to supply schools nationwide with free face masks has failed spectacularly after the deliver...

  • 提高英语阅读能力可以使用SQ3R这种阅读方法:Survey,Question,Read,Recite,Review,即浏览、发问、阅读、复述、复习”五个学习阶段。SQ3R will help you build a framework to understand your reading...