对于找工作、找实习的同学来说,考虑面试时穿什么或许很让人头疼。过于休闲舒适或高调时髦的打扮都不太合适,如果你希望给面试官留下好印象,那么切记在穿着打扮上一定要避开以下六个雷区。 AVOID OBVIOUS DESIGNER LABELS 避免明显的品牌标志 Even if you're going for a job in fashion, it's best not to turn up in the latest Stella McCartney dress and a bright pink crocodile Hermes Birkin fresh from Net-a-Porter. You don't want to appear too try-hard or flashy. Besides which, your interviewer may have a very different opinion of a designer than you do. I'm no fan of Moschino for example, but I adore Ralph Lauren. NO BROWN, RED OR ORANGE Color has a big psychological impact on people, and that's brought into sharp focus in job interviews. Studies have shown that wearing brown clothes gives the idea that you're old-fashioned and passive, and you won't be a forward-thinking, dynamic employee, whereas red has been shown to convey that you're too assertive or even rebellious.
Orange meanwhile has been found to be the worst color to wear, as hiring managers feel it's uNPRofessional. However, navy blue is often the best choice, as it inspires confidence. It's also less imposing than black, and gives the message that you're a friendly person. NO VISIBLE TATTOOS
Research undertaken by St Andrews University suggests that the majority of employers feel tattoos are taboo and that 'ultimately, it does not matter what they think of tattoos. What really matters, instead, is how customers might perceive employees with visible tattoos.' SKIP THE ON-TREND MANICURE
Definitely don't go in with chipped varnish. It sends a message that you're sloppy when it comes to the details and possibly that your time-keeping skills are going to be terrible if you couldn't even find the time to do your nails beforehand. AVOID HEELS IF YOU DON'T USUALLY WEAR THEM
But if you can't comfortably walk in them, you're going to give totally the wrong impression when you wobble into the room. It's far better to wear smart flats. NO STATEMENT EARRINGS OR ALTERNATIVE PIERCINGS Again, avoid anything potentially distracting. Keep jewelry to a minimum – maybe a single statement necklace with stud earrings. Remove any alternative piercings that aren't in your ears. |