
  • What was the happiest mistake you ever made?你犯过什么最开心的错误?获得46.6k好评的回答@Rupali Wadekar:I sent this to my mother in law instead of my hubby.这个消息我没发给老公,而是发...

  • 发微信的时候,你会在一句话结束时用句号吗?一些语言学家表示,用句号来结束一句话,会让拿着手机长大的Z世代人感到恐慌,因为这个标点符号对于他们而言,不再意味着句子的结束,而是表示说话时语气生硬或愤怒”。Full stops intimidate young people when used...

  • 新冠肺炎疫情迫使人们待在家里,也迫使许多人回到了父母的家。皮尤研究中心的数据显示,美国30岁以下的成人有超半数与父母同住,其中选择在疫情期间搬回家住的美国年轻白人最多。The number of young adults living with their parents hit an eight-...

  • 'Fake' masterpiece might be real伦勃朗仿作”可能是真迹A Rembrandt painting that was thought to be a fake and was stashed in a basement for decades ...

  • My family doesn't own a camera anymore.我们家再也不用相机了。My daughter takes all of our pictures with her smart phone.我的女儿用智能手机拍下的图片成了我们全部的家庭照片。Knowing tha...

  • Times Higher Education has released its World University Rankings 2021, with Tsinghua University in Beijing becoming the first Asian institute to ever...

  • Font to blur insulting phrases芬兰公司推礼貌字体库”Cyberbullying is a growing problem in today's increasingly plugged-in world, with one in four child...

  • Reusable spacecraft lands我国发射可复用航天器”China's reusable experimental spacecraft landed at a preset site on Sunday morning after two days in orb...

  • Vaccine makers plan public stance疫苗厂商或发安全宣言”Drugmakers are planning a public pledge to not send any COVID-19 vaccine to the US Food and Drug Adm...

  • 印度尼西亚为防疫出狠招,为了提醒人们新冠肺炎的危险性,一些地方政府和志愿者们每天抬着棺材游街,甚至有村庄安排鬼魂”在村里巡逻,提醒人们遵守防疫规定。Each day in Jakarta at 9 am sharp, local government official Ricky Mul...