Taylor Swift has been spotted in public for the first time with her long-term boyfriend, British actor Joe Alwyn. The two walked hand in hand together ahead of her Friday performance in New York for the Jingle Bell Ball. The notoriously private couple began dating in late 2016 but their romance only went public in May 2017, following years of Taylor's high-profile relationships in the press. A source told People: ‘Taylor has been insanely private about her relationship with Joe. She wanted to get to know him without any chaos. She has learned from the past.’ ‘Joe's a very normal, down-to-earth guy. He's private and low-key’ and also added that the couple are ‘on the same page on how to handle the attention.’ It is thought that Taylor spent much of the first few months of 2017 living in London, and getting to know Joe. Taylor is jetting in to London this weekend to perform at the O2 alongside pal Ed Sheeran for the Jingle Bell Ball. He's already given Joe his seal of approval, telling Jingle Bell Ball host Roman Kemp: ‘We're in touch, quite a fair bit. You know, and [Taylor's] been in London quite a bit as well. ‘He's really nice. Really, really friendly, really good dude,’ he said. |