
  • 他们,是星光闪耀的当红明星;他们,是集万千宠爱于一身的绝对偶像;他们的荧幕形象,时而英俊潇洒,时而妩媚动人。快来看看他们都是有着怎样星座特质的人群,说不定你会有不小的收获哟!★白羊座-角斗士”罗素-克洛★Russell Crowe is a perfect example of...白羊...

  • 前世今生之后,12星座的性格会有怎样的变化?是依然固我,还是彻底颠覆?看过下面的精彩内容后,你自然会找到答案。ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)In previous lifetimes, you always did the proper thing. You ate, dress...

  • 憨态可鞠的宠物宝宝人见人爱,在知道了它的生日,帮助它找到了属于自己的星座并了解了它们的性情后,你就该知道怎样和这些可爱的小东西相处了吧。ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)Aries pets are fast and need to run, if you're lookin...

  • Aries: Thistle, wild rose, gorse, nasturtium, woodbine 白羊:蓟、野玫瑰、金雀花、旱金莲花、忍冬 Taurus: Lily of the valley, violet, redrose, myrtle 金牛:铃兰、紫罗兰、红玫瑰、桃金娘 Gemi...

  • Aries: garnet白羊座:石榴石Taurus: diamond金牛座:钻石Gemini: agate双子座:玛瑙Cancer: moonstone, pearl巨蟹座:月长石、珍珠Leo: amber, ruby狮子座:琥珀、红宝石Virgo: sardonyx处女座:红条纹玛瑙Libra:...

  • ARIES (Mar. 21 - Apr. 20)Never mind your job description, your real job is to make your boss look good. If you're egotistical or otherwise have a ...

  • The Aries mothers are very active and therefore it makes great sense to present them something like membership of gym or billiards club etc. You can a...

  • 双鱼座父母


    The Piscean ParentThe Sign of Pisces is a very fertile sign (February 19 to Match 20).These people (both sexes) make loving and de-voted patents,but t...

  • 水瓶座父母


    The Aquarian ParentThe Aquarian parent (January 20 to February l8) of both sexes makes the ideal Parent. Aquarius is the human Sign, and the qualities...

  • 魔羯座父母


    The Capricorn ParentThe Capricorn mother (December 22 to January 19) is a far better parent than the Capricorn father. This type of mother is rather l...

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