
  • 射手座父母


    The Sagittarian Parent Sagittarians have a flourishing inner child - and thus they love playing with their kids. However, they can also be overly idea...

  • 天蝎座父母


    The Scorpio ParentThe Scorpio parent (October 24 to November 22) is, alas! One of the most prolific types, and the poorest-equipped to bring up childr...

  • 天秤座父母


    The Libra ParentThe Libra parent (September 24 to October 23) is one of the best parents of the Zodiac. Whether it be the mother or father who is a Li...

  • 处女座父母


    The Virgo ParentThe Virgo person (August 24 to September 23) makes an excellent parent; that is, so far as the visual and material factors in the life...

  • 狮子座父母


    The Leo ParentThe Leo person (July 23 to August 23) of both sexes makes, on general principles, a rather good parent. The Leo mother is particularly s...

  • 巨蟹座父母


    The Cancer ParentThe Cancer person (June 22 to July 22) has been described as the personification of motherhood. It is true that these people love chi...

  • 双子座父母


    The Gemini ParentThe Gemini person (May 21 to June 21) of either sex does not make an ideal parent. There is too much mind, and not enough heart in th...

  • 金牛座父母


    The Taurus ParentThe Taurus parent (April 20 to Many 20) of either sex is often considered one of the ideal types of parent. They have endless patienc...

  • 白羊座父母


    The Aries ParentThe Aries parent (March 21 to April 19) of either sex is kind and generous to children, but not always sympathetic or understanding. T...

  • 在中国,英文名字对于E世代的新新人类已经不算稀奇的事情了,很多父母也在孩子出生的时候为他们取一个英文名字,这将有助于他们将来更好的融入日益全球化的经济和文化中。那么怎么样的名字才能符合每个人的个性呢?看看下面吧!白羊座 21/03-20/04男性:Charles, Mark, Bill, Vince...

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