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The Bright Side Taurus has a patient, steadfast and reliable personality. People generally know where they are with Taurus - unless they make the mistake of goading one too far! The Taurean personality is also warm and sensual, with an appreciation of fine things.

As Taurus is firmly motivated by a need for security, this sign is often excellent at business matters and can be trusted to plan and carry things through carefully with resolute attention to detail. An Earth sigh, Taurus also values the environment and will do everything possible to preserve its well-being.


The Dark Side Unfortunately, the Taurean personality can be so committed to self-preservation and so cautious in approaching anything new that it may become boring - although many people are prepared to brave the possibility of a tedious evening in view of the excellence of the food served at Taurean dinner parties!

Taureans at their best are typically "strong, silent types", but all too often they appear ignorant and willfully obstinate to others.

Taureans have two other main difficulties in interacting with people: a very slow-to-rouse but terrible temper, and possessiveness. Sexual jealousy, another Taurean trait, can often lead to explosions at anger.

The typical Taurean personality is earthy, solid and enduring, continuing with dogged persistence long after everyone else has given up. However, Taureans can be particularly resistant to change, unable to adopt to new and innovative ways of thinking.


(Penny 编译)
