
  • 爱思英语编者按:约会过程中为什么频频会出现冷场?其实这个和星座还有关系哦!你的恋人是什么星座的,记得看看和他(她)约会的禁忌。十二星座约会恋人禁忌面面观 Aries: Remember that the world doesn’t revolve around you, Aries. ...

  • 爱思英语编者按:昨天是2013年1月4日,千载难逢的好日子-201314爱你一生一世,想必登记结婚的人不少。爱你一生一世,推荐属于十二星座的英语经典情歌对唱。十二星座英语情歌对唱专题01 One Sweet Day 甜蜜的一天-- Mariah Carey;Boyz II Men 所属星座:双鱼座双...

  • 爱思英语编者按:如何为自己取一个漂亮的英文名字让很多人伤透了脑筋,又要好听又要适合自己真的很不容易,下面给你提供一些参考,根据星座来取名字。某个名字表达的意思可能很好地诠释了某个星座的性格等。用这种方式来取名,不怕会取错,你不放试试看。适合12星座的英文名字白羊座男性最适合的英文名字:Charles...

  • 爱思英语编者按:随着手术灯地熄灭,产房里传来一阵哭喊:老公!对不起!!!等待中的男子额头直冒粗汗,他看了看表,已经是8月23日临晨了。这时大夫从产房走出,揭下口罩,叹了口气说:孩子是处女座,我们已经尽力了。(段子摘自微博)近日微博上掀起了一股黑处女座的风潮,关于处女座的各种段子也迅速转发,面对这样一...

  • 爱思英语编者按:你的星座是什么?倔强金牛,火爆狮子,恋家巨蟹,深沉天蝎?星座在一定程度上反映了你的性格,你知道吗其实你的星座英语里已经蕴含了你的星座特(cao)点。...

  • The intensity and passion of Scorpios makes them unforgettable partners when it comes to love. They take their love affairs very seriously, which some...

  • Although they often prefer to be footloose and fancy free, once involved in a relationship Sagittarians will make it as much fun and as enjoyable as p...

  • Once Capricorns conquer their natural reserve and shyness, they make terrific partners: for although they are cautious and introverted, they can be ve...

  • Aquarians are strongly independent and cannot bear to be tied down. Their firm views and opinions can quickly change to obstinacy and stubbornness whe...

  • The most idealistic, romantic and highly-strung sign, Pisceans are only too happy to lose themselves in their relationship. Being loved is central to ...

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