ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) When it comes to managing money, Aries, you must follow one simple rule: Pay yourself first. That means whenever you get a paycheck, you need to put a set percentage of it into a savings or retirement plan. It's also a good idea to reserve a small percentage of your income for risky investments, just to satisfy your need to live on the edge. 白羊:对羊儿来说,必须要遵循的一个简单规则就是:先把自己养活。这意味着无论你何时领到薪水,一定要预留一些用作储蓄或是养老。将一部分收入用来进行风险投资也是一个不错的办法,正好为大手大脚的白羊座人免除后患。 TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21) You're a born money manager, Taurus. It gives you great pleasure to cultivate a fortune, much like you would a garden. In fact, sometimes you enjoy saving money more than spending it. Because you're ruled by luxury-loving Venus, though, it's important for you to make an occasional splurge. Get into the habit of buying yourself a small gift each month, whether it's a box of gourmet chocolates or a bouquet of fresh flowers. 金牛:你是一个天生的理财高手。赚钱就像拥有一座花园一样能给你带来巨大的快乐。实际上,有时你喜欢存钱胜过花钱。因为你受爱玩奢侈的金星控制,适当地炫耀自己对你也是很重要的。那就养成每月为自己买一件小礼物的习惯吧,精致的巧克力或是芬芳的鲜花都是不错的选择。 GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) You're eternally young, so putting money aside for your old age is a challenging concept for you. Try having two savings accounts – one a short-term savings account for things like classes and trips... and the other a retirement plan. The best way for you to stay true to your savings goals is to have money automatically deposited into these accounts each and every week. 双子:存钱养老对你是个不小的挑战。不如开立两个储蓄账户-一个是短期账户,用以应付一般的开支;另一个是长期账户,为退休后的生活打算。对双子座来说,实现储蓄目标的最好的方法是每天和每周定期把钱存入账户。 CANCER (June 22 - July 22) Ever security conscious, you take great pleasure in saving money, Cancer. You'll get much more pleasure from your money when you use it to nurture yourself. Don't hesitate to splurge on domestic delights that afford long-term pleasure, like expensive cookware, fluffy towels and designer sheets. 巨蟹:存钱能给注重安全感的蟹子带来巨大的乐趣。要是会花钱,你将得到更多的快乐。别犹豫了,赶紧去买些方便又实用的家庭必需品吧,炊具、毛巾和床单都会给你带来快乐。 LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) There's no doubt about it, Leo – you love living in style. This requires careful money management skills. Fortunately, your desire to have only the best things in life prevents you from wasting money on cheap, tawdry items that don't stand the test of time. Still, it's important for you to find a way to finance your expensive tastes. 狮子:毫无疑问,狮子爱过奢华的生活。这就要求你必须有高超的理财技能。幸运地是,你的欲望都在昂贵的物品上,这就避免你花钱买些既便宜又不实用的东西了。不过,对你很重要的一点是要找到好的方法满足你无止境的胃口。 VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23) You probably know exactly how much you have in your bank account, Virgo, right down to the last penny. You get the most pleasure from your wealth when you follow it closely and stick to a budget. You also like to get the most for your money – in fact it's something of an obsession for you – so you do price comparisons before buying anything lavish. You've got a secret weakness for natural fibers, handcrafted items and organic food. Don't deprive yourself of these pleasures. 处女:你可以很准确地说出自己银行账户上的数额,甚至能精确到毫厘。你精打细算,看着逐渐鼓起的钱包会很满足。不过,你也舍得为自己心爱的玩意花大价钱,因此在买它时比比价格再做决定。你偏爱天然纤维和手工制品,那就放纵一下自己的钱包,别剥夺了它们能给你带来的快乐。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) You love the things that money can buy, Libra, but sometimes have difficulty prioritizing your spending. After all, there's no point in having a beautiful set of china if you have no food to serve on it! a balance-oriented person like you will want a portfolio that is comprised equally of stocks and bonds. For purchases, you'll find art, antiques and entertainment most satisfying. 天秤:花钱能买到的东西你都喜欢,不过,有时还是得讲个先后次序。毕竟,如果连温饱都解决不了,拥有一件漂亮的瓷器又有什么用呢?像你这样重视收支平衡的人,只有投资股票和债券,才有能力购买像艺术品和古董这样贵重的玩意。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Before making a purchase or investment, you like to do lots of research, Scorpio. There is one exception to this rule, however. When you feel strongly about an item, even if it seems illogical, you go for it. Fortunately, your instincts are usually right on target, so these splurges end up attracting even more wealth. 天蝎:蝎子通常会在进行购买或投资前会做一番调查。当然,这个规则也有一个特例:那便是你要是碰到特别心动的东西,即使看上去不符逻辑,你也一定会买的。还好你的这种举动一般都用对了地方,因此这种“挥霍”反而能吸纳更多的财富。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) There's a good chance that you treat money like a necessary evil, Sagittarius. Apart from paying your bills, you see financial matters as a drag on your valuable time and energy. Try treating money management like a learning opportunity... you'll be more open to the experience. You can especially benefit from financial advisors who treat money management as a spiritual pursuit. 射手:你视金钱如粪土。除了必要的开支,花钱对你而言简直就是在浪费时间和精力。多尝试自己理财,把它当作一个学习的好机会。你还可以向一些理财专家取经,这可是他们的毕生追求。 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) Money management is just one of your many strengths, Capricorn. The secret to your financial success is your ability to find necessities at bargain rates. You can then put your extra money into savings accounts and investment portfolios. Waiting for interest to accumulate is no problem for you – actually, you enjoy the process. 摩羯:善于理财正是你的一个优点。积累财富的一个密诀在于你能找到利益差价,把多余的钱用于储蓄和投资,然后就等着收利息吧。实际上,你很享受理财的过程。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) It's no surprise that your money management techniques are utterly unique, Aquarius. When you're down to your last dollar, you're likely to buy something seemingly impractical, like a pack of the latest neon-colored gum. If you'd like to build your wealth, consider investing in a portfolio that suits your ethics – it's bound to pay off handsomely for you. 水瓶:一点也不奇怪,理想主义的瓶子理财的方式相当独特。即使口袋里只剩下一个子,你有可能还会用它买根本不实用的东西,像一包新出的口香糖。你若想攒钱,可以考虑适合自己的投资。 PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) As a general rule, you don't concern yourself much with money matters, Pisces. when you have extra money in your pocket, you never fail to spend it on worthy causes. You have especially good luck with investments related to healthcare, beverages and shipping. Since day-to-day money management doesn't interest you, it may be in your interest to sign up for as many automatic bill-paying services as possible. 双鱼:一般情况下,鱼儿不太关心自己的钱袋子。不过即便有闲钱,你也会把它花在刀仞上。投资护理、饮料或是海运行业,你会有很大收获。因为你对日常的理财并不感兴趣,更愿意自己创业,尽可能地从业务经营上寻求利润。 |