
  • 爱思英语编者按:关于十二星座,你了解多少呢?Aries 白羊座 (3月21日~4月20日) The fire element of Arise brings assertive I” energy.火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。TIPS: Your persistence...

  • 爱思英语编者按:关于星座,你了解多少呢?星座故事:十二星座最不能忍受的事Aries 白羊(Mar. 21- April 20)Yours is the most impatient sign of all, Aries, so naturally, what irritates you most i...

  • 爱思英语编者按:报复心较强的五大星座。报复心较强的五大星座NO.1天蝎座(Scorpio)天蝎座的个性极强,最让他们感到反感的就背叛,换做一般人,顶多就是心里一阵感慨,而天蝎心中的仇恨会留存很久,除非他们报却一箭之分,所以得罪天蝎座的朋友,还是抓紧时间解决,想办法得到他们的原谅,否则,只有被报复后的...

  • 爱思英语编者按:就像每个星座有着迥异的性格,世界各地每座城市也都有自己独特的气息,那么把两者搭配一下,各种星座的人最适合居住到哪座城市呢?1.Aries白羊座You got: The United States你适合居住在:美国You’re independent, energetic,...

  • Venus In Aries...

  • People with the moon in Virgo have a very exacting critical influence to deal with in the life. Everything, whether conditions of flesh or spirit, goe...

  • The love nature of both sexes under this lunation barely exists as such. They are grave, sexless people, with a cool, impersonal chastity that seems t...

  • Venus In Gemini...

  • Venus In TaurusVenus is very powerful in Taurus. It is the ruler of the sign, and people with Venus is Taurus may expect to find a material atmosphere...

  • Venus In Cancer...

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