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ARIES (Mar. 21 - Apr. 20)
Never mind your job description, your real job is to make your boss look good. If you're egotistical or otherwise have a burning need to get credit for your efforts, it's only a matter of time before you butt heads with your Aries boss. On the other hand, Rams are natural-born leaders, and they will take you into some thrilling new territory.

TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)
Image is everything to your boss. Taurus people are into status symbols, not only to impress others, but because they genuinely appreciate the best life has to offer. Their self-image depends on always being right. Before arguing a point with your Taurus boss, decide whether it's worth getting fired over.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
Gemini is information-driven. Whether or not you're actually in a communications field, your boss is obsessed with collecting and disseminating information. If you have a problem, an emotional appeal will count against you. Your Gemini boss wants just the facts, in a concise format. Further, you must be able to pump out work at the speed of light.

CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
Your Cancer boss will take you under his or her wing and protect you - whether you want it or not. This will get overbearing if you're the type who likes to work independently. However, if you need daily guidance and feedback, this is an ideal match. Also on the plus side, this person is understanding and forgiving, especially regarding family considerations.

LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)
More people complain about Leo bosses than any other sign. The Lion is the king or queen of the jungle, and wants everyone to know it. Flattery will get you everywhere, but it does take finesse. Even self-involved Leo eventually will tire of a bootlicking toady. To be effective, your compliments must have an element of truth, and they must be delivered with convincing sincerity.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)
Virgo typically isn't the top dog. Chances are, your Virgo boss is working for someone else, with the sole objective of being as useful as possible. He or she may be nervous and obsessed with performance. You will be judged strictly by how well you do your job. No mistake will go unnoticed, nor will it ever be forgotten.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)
If it seems impossible to get your Libra boss to make a decision about anything, it's only because he or she is fair to a fault. Further, Libra values cooperation and good working relationships. To make points with your boss, coordinate everything ahead of time with your coworkers, which will relieve your boss of anxiety over having to please everyone.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Scorpio bosses provide for their employees, not only to build their empires, but because this gives them a feeling of absolute power and control. Nevertheless, sucking up will get you nowhere. Your Scorpio boss wants competence, effectiveness, vision, and a single-minded obsession with the corporate bottom line. Think Bill Gates, the ultimate Scorpio boss.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)
Ruled by Jupiter, father of the gods, your Sagittarius boss is generous, protective, good-humored, and yet prone to violent temper tantrums. In the latter case, take a comfort break and come back in five minutes, by which time it will have blown over. The Archer seeks the truth, but can be self-righteous. The best way to impress your boss is by continually seeking to improve your skills.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)
Your boss is career-driven and workaholic, and unfortunately not very accessible. Even when the office door is open, it's hard to make a connection. Nevertheless, Capricorn is hardworking, disciplined, practical, reliable, and competent, and prizes these qualities in an employee. You'll impress your Capricorn boss if you play by the rules. If you're new in your job, agree to make the coffee.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
Liberté, égalité, fraternité is the motto of Aquarius. Your boss might not seem much like a boss at all. He or she works alongside the employees, and you all go out to Happy Hour together after work on Fridays. Your boss wants to be friends, and in exchange will overlook all but the most grievous errors and shortcomings. After all, we're only human.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)
Fishes tend not to end up in management positions, unless they have a Rising Sign like Leo or Capricorn. You'll have to do a little digging to find out your boss's birth time, then read the corresponding sign above. Meanwhile, be advised that Pisces are known for having eyes in the backs of their heads. If you're getting away with something, don't think your boss doesn't know.
