Blondes At The Lake
2023-12-05Two blondes are on opposite sides of a lake. One blonde yells to the other, “How do you get to the other side?“ “You are on the other side,“ the other...
Blonde Cop
2023-12-05A blonde woman was speeding down the road in her little red sports car and was pulled over by a woman police officer (also a blonde). The cop asked to...
Following The Track
2023-12-05A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are trapped in a forest. One day the brunette goes out hunting. She comes back and has a big dead deer. The blonde ...
Blonde Kidnapper
2023-12-05Once upon a time when a Blonde was hard up for money, she decided to kidnap a child. So the next day she goes to a nearby playground and when nobody i...
blonde swimmer
2023-12-05There was a blonde, a brunette, a red-head and a bald woman stuck on a desert island. The brunette decided to swim home, but got 1/3 of the way there ...
Two horses
2023-12-05Two blondes went to the market. While they were there, they each bought a horse. When they got home, they discussed how to tell their horses apart. Th...
Make it Off the Island
2023-12-05There were three people stranded on an island, a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde. The brunette looked over the water to the mainland and estimated a...
santa and blondes
2023-12-05there were three people walking on the street.a smart blonde, a stupid blonde and santa clause.suddenly, they see on the ground 100$.question : wich o...
2023-12-05One day two blondes decided to take a trip to Disney Land. They were riding down the road and all of a sudden they came to a fork in the road and a si...
mosquitos and blondes
2023-12-05Q;what's the difference between ablonde and a mosquito? A;when u slap a mosquito it stops sucking....