2023-12-05A blonde, a brunette, and a red-head all go hunting together. Then they decide to all go their separate ways. When they all come back, the brunette ha...
Plane trip to New York
2023-12-05There was a blonde sitting on a plane in first class seats with an economy class ticket. The flight attendant asked to check her ticket. 'Excuse m...
2023-12-05Jeperady! There is three blonds playing Jeperady. The anoucer says, “This is the final question. How many “D's“ are in Jeperady?“ The first blond ...
Blondes and the News
2023-12-05A Blonde and a Burnette are watching the news at 6. It is live on the scene. It has been reported that a old homeless man is on top of a large bridge ...
The Highway Blonde
2023-12-05A Blonde was driving down the highway and she cuts off a Truck. The Driver motions for the Blonde to pull over. The blonde pulls over and the truck dr...
Top 10 Blonde Inventions
2023-12-051. The water proof towel 2. Solar powered flash light 3. Sumberrine screen door 4. A book on how to read 5. Inflatable dart board 6. A dictionary inde...
Blonde Cook Book
2023-12-05Blonde Cook Book: MONDAY: It's fun to cook for Bob. Today I made angel food cake. The recipe said beat 12 eggs separately. The neighbors were nice...
At the Corner
2023-12-05she was so blonde she told me to meet her at the corner of "WALK" and "DON'T WALK."...
Two Blondes
2023-12-05Two blondes walk in to a building. You'd think one of them would have seen the building....
2023-12-05You and your two blonde friends (Melisa and Sarah) are stranded on a desert island.You have no food at all with you and you are all starving.Then you ...