Scary collection 34
2023-12-05A cannibal jokeWhat do pygmy cannibals eat for breakfast?Weedie Bix!!A ghost jokeWhy were ancient Egyptian children confused?Because their daddies wer...
Scary collection 35
2023-12-05A vampire jokeWhat do you call a vampire junkie?Count Drugula!A skeleton jokeWhat do you call a skeleton doctor?Bones!A vampire jokeWhat is a vampire&...
Scary collection 36
2023-12-05A werewolf jokeWho are some of the werewolves cousins?The whatwolves and whenwolves!A skeleton jokeWhat do you do if you see a skeleton running across...
Scary collection 37
2023-12-05A ghost jokeWhat airline do ghouls fly with?British Scareways!A cannibal jokeWhat do cannibals eat at partys?Buttered host!A vampire jokeWhat happened...
Scary collection 38
2023-12-05Q: What is a ghost's favourite day of the week?A: Frightday!Q: Where do Chinese vampires come from?A: Fanghai!Q: Why did the skeleton pupil stay l...
Scary collection 39
2023-12-05A skeleton jokeWhat happened to the skeleton that was attacked by a dog?He ran off with some bones and didn't leave him with a leg to stand on!A w...
Scary collection 40
2023-12-05A witch jokeWhy do witches scratch themselves all the time?Because they're the only ones who know where a witch itches!A vampire jokeDo you know t...
Scary collection 41
2023-12-05A ghost jokeWhy are ghosts bad at telling lies?Because you can see right through them!A vampire jokeWhat does a vampire bath in?A bat tub!A werewolf j...
Scary collection 42
2023-12-05A werewolf jokeHow do you stop a werewolf chasing you?Throw a stick and say fetch!A werewolf jokeHow do you know if two werewolves have been in the fr...
Scary collection 43
2023-12-05A ghost jokeWhat did the ghost teacher say to her class?Watch the board and I'll go through it again!A ghost jokeWho writes ghosts jokes?Crypt wri...