接地气儿的习语 10
2023-12-05Sick and tired 厌烦了例句:I eat burgers almost everyday. I'm getting sick and tired of them.我基本上天天吃汉堡,都吃腻了。Get on one's nerves 使人心烦意乱例句:Will you pl...
接地气儿的习语 9
2023-12-05Get foot in the door 迈出第一步例句:It's not a great position, but at least my foot is in the door.这个职位不算太好,但好歹我迈出第一步了。Be a chicken 胆小鬼例句:There's not...
接地气儿的习语 8
2023-12-05Nuke 用微波炉加热例句:Don't nuke an egg. It will explode in the microwave.千万别把鸡蛋往微波炉里搁,它会爆炸的。Out of this world 极好的,非凡的例句:The movie totally blew me away. I...
接地气儿的习语 7
2023-12-05Ring a bell 使人想起例句:I can't put my finger on it, but it definitely rings a bell.我没法明确说出来是什么,但这绝对听着耳熟。Goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩例句:I was so touched by the mov...
接地气儿的习语 6
2023-12-05Beats me 我不知道、问倒我了例句:Beats me why he was so mean to you.我不明白他为什么对你这么不好。Beat someone to it 抢先一步例句:If we do not take step immediately, someone will beat...
接地气儿的习语 5
2023-12-05Over my dead body 除非我死了、想都别想例句:There is no way I will let you do that, not over my dead body.除非我死了,我都不会让你那么做的。Go with the flow 随大流例句:If you don't ...
接地气儿的习语 4
2023-12-05I'm hosed 我完蛋了例句:I am hosed. My mom found out I skipped school last week.这下惨了,我妈发现我上周翘课了。Hang in there 坚持下去例句:Hang in there. I am sure things will...
接地气儿的习语 3
2023-12-05I owe you 借条;欠据例句:I'll need an I owe you because I don't have any money.我没钱了,得找你开张借条了。Give it to me straight 有话直说例句:How bad is it? Just give i...
接地气儿的习语 2
2023-12-05No strings attached 无附加条件;毫无保留例句:We are giving away free t-shirts, no strings attached.我们免费赠送T恤,无任何附加条件。Hop in 上车例句:Hop in. You can ride with me to th...
接地气儿的习语 1
2023-12-05Back to the grind 回去工作例句:Ok everyone break time is over, get back to the grind.好了,休息时间结束,大家回去工作吧。You wish 想得美例句:You think she'll go on a date with...