接地气儿的习语 2
No strings attached 无附加条件;毫无保留 例句: We are giving away free t-shirts, no strings attached. 我们免费赠送T恤,无任何附加条件。 Hop in 上车 例句: Hop in. You can ride with me to the grocery store. 上车,你可以搭我的车去商店。 I'll be down 我很愿意(加入某个活动) 例句: I'll be down with whatever you guys want to do tonight. 你们晚上想干啥都无所谓,算我一个。 Just my luck 就是这么倒霉 例句: Just my luck, my boss asked me to work late tonight. 老板要我晚上加班,我运气就是这么衰。 You know better than that 你不该这么做 例句: Mary said you were rude to her, you know better than that. 玛丽说你对她很粗鲁,你真不该这样对她。 It serves you right 你活该 例句: It serves him right. He can't expect to win when he cheats during the game. 他这是咎由自取,他不可能比赛作弊还想拿冠军。 My two cents 我的拙见、看法 例句: Just to add my two cents, but I believe changing the design will be a better idea. 就是想表达一下我的看法,我相信改变设计是个好主意。 |