
  • 太棒了。


    1. That's wonderful.太棒了。Wonderful听来就要比great还要再更好一些。曾经在广播上听到一段对话, 主持人问, "How are you today?" 听众答, "I am good." 主持人不太满意, "J...

  • 很好,很棒!


    1. It's cool! 很好,很棒!总之只要是好事, 你都可以说cool!例如:-I am going to college this year. -Cool!-I just bought a brand new car. -Cool!此外,如果别人问你做了某件事了没, 你说做了, 别人...

  • 周末如何度过


    go out to eat下馆子go out (to a bar or club)泡吧、泡夜店see a movie看电影chill out at home在家放松sleep in睡懒觉catch up on sleep补眠lay around the house懒在家里do some housew...

  • 周一打招呼


    周末过完了,周一见面的时候打招呼就有话题了:How was your weekend?周末过得咋样?Did you do anything fun over the weekend?周末有啥好玩的吗?What did you get up to this weekend?周末都玩啥了?Did you...

  • 谈论周末


    如果你想问朋友的周末打算,可以这样说:What are you doing this weekend?你周末干嘛?Do you have anything going on this weekend?周末有什么活动?Do you have any big plans for the weekend?...

  • Out of the woods 走出树林含义: 脱离危险;摆脱困境。例句:My business was losing money for several months. I thought about closing the business. Fortunately, the economy ...

  • The apple doesn't fall far from the tree 苹果掉不到离树太远的地方含义: 一个人与其父母在行为或外貌特征方面非常相似;有其父(母)必有其子(女)。例句:Jenna's mother is a surgeon, and her father is...

  • kill


    1. kill 让某人捧腹大笑;笑得前仰后合That comedian kills me.那个喜剧演员真是使我为之倾倒。We were killing ourselves laughing.我们快笑死了。2. kill it 极其擅长某事,在某方面做得极好Chris ​kills it ...

  • 7. filibuster (为拖延或阻止新法律的通过而)发表冗长的演说美剧《白宫风云》中有一集讲到,白宫正准备庆祝一个法案的通过,但没想到投票开始前,一个来自明尼苏达的参议员在发言时,连续几个小时说个不停,使投票无法进行。这种利用程序阻止议案通过的行为就是filibuster”。根据美...

  • 1. flip flopper 改变立场的人,政策骑墙派flip-flop”是平底人字拖”,但flip flopper”这个词却与拖鞋没有任何关系,而是指骑墙派,反复无常者,改变立场的人”。在表示翻转、突然转变”意义时,flip-flop&...

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