2023-12-11爱思英语编者按:在商务世界里有不少含有动物的习语,比如fat cats(有钱有势的人)和loan sharks(高利贷债主)。在和英语母语的人作商务交流的时候,正确地在使用这些商务习语能使你的口语听起来更加自然。我们收集了十个与猫和狗有关的商务习语,一起来看看吧。1.Let sleeping dog...
2023-12-11爱思英语编者按:很多零售及消费品公司都有一大堆英文名缩写名词,什么RG、PG、FMCG零售人都应该学一学,无论你是运营、商品还是市场的。DA(Distribution &Assortment)分销Location:位置Display:陈列Pricing:价格Inventory:库存Merch...
2023-12-11爱思英语编者按:下面有2封英文书信,你能分辨哪封是正式信件,哪封是非正式的吗?信件1:Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing with regard to a flight that I missed due to a mistake by one of your ...
世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第三章 Unit 12-5
2023-12-115. 开错发票的道歉开错发票的道歉英文邮件范文1Dear Ms. Wang,Thank you for your mail of March 15, 2011 regarding the wrong amount in the invoice for your order. We were able...
世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第三章 Unit 12-4
2023-12-114. 忘开发票道歉忘开发票道歉英文邮件范文1Dear Madam,We have received your letter of April 12, 2011, complaining no invoice attached with the lady shaver you brought from...
世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第三章 Unit 12-3
2023-12-113. 交货延迟的道歉交货延迟的道歉英文邮件范文1Dear Mr. Wang,Please accept our apology for not being able to delivery the goods on time.We cooperated with two companies at t...
世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第三章 Unit 12-2
2023-12-112. 订货失误的道歉订货失误的道歉英文邮件范文1Dear Mr. Wang,I am writing to inform you that we made mistakes in placing order No.1234 with you. We planned to order white sh...
世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第三章 Unit 12-1
2023-12-11Unit 12 道歉篇1. 商品瑕疵/损坏等的道歉商品瑕的疵道歉英文邮件范文1Dear Mr. Wang,We have received your letter of March 18, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you...
世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第三章 Unit 11-14
2024-03-1114. 拒绝邀请拒绝邀请英文邮件范文1Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 2000 International Fair as we are going to open a cosmetic ...
世界500强员工必用英文e-mail大全第三章 Unit 11-13
2024-03-0413. 无法介绍客户无法介绍客户英文邮件范文1Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to inform you that I cannot recommend customers to you because of some unexpected changes.The re...