Million miles
2023-12-05Through my school years I never imagined of falling in love. I wanted to stay single just from watching my friends get mistreated(虐待) by their boyfrie...
The Second Time Around
2023-12-05At the age of 18, I married for the first time. After almost 24 years of tumultuous(乱哄哄的,喧哗的) havoc(大破坏,蹂躏) that nearly cost me my life, that marriage...
Lovely Coincidence
2023-12-05In 1945, there was a young boy of 14 in a concentration camp(集中营). He was tall, thin but had a bright smile. Every day, a young girl came by on the ot...
15 YEARS AGO: I used to hang out at a country bar called the Club Palomino”. I loved listening to good bands there, and dancing to their country...
Selfless love
2023-12-05There’s a guy who is deeply in love with her girlfriend. One day, they both decided to stroll(兜风,散步) for a while using their friends motorbike. ...
Love full of mysteries
2023-12-05I thought love is intended for those who believe in love. All I know is love for God and family. It was a rainy Monday. I was supposed to cross the ro...
I'll be there
2023-12-05I met my soul mate at the tender age(幼年) of seventeen. He was obviously attracted to me and was very excited to be in this encounter. He inquired abou...
When I walk
2023-12-05When I woke up that morning all I wanted to do was walk. It was winter my favorite season. This walk would change my life forever and I would remember...
On peace of mind 心如止水
2023-12-05集美貌与智慧于一身的人不计其数、富裕之人随处可见、名望之人也不在少数。但是内心平静——是上帝对他的眷顾者的恩赐,是对他的偏爱者的最荣耀的奖赏,他从不慷慨给予。绝大多数人无缘此殊荣;另外的等待了一辈子——直到鬓发斑白,终于如愿以偿。Joshua Loth...
Detour to Romance 浪漫路曲曲折折
2023-12-05Located in the checkroom in Union Station as I am, I see everybody that comes up the stairs.由于我工作的地方在联合车站的行李寄存处,我看得见每一个上楼的人。Harry came in a little ove...