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Love full of mysteries


I thought love is intended for those who believe in love. All I know is love for God and family.

It was a rainy Monday. I was supposed to cross the road, when I hear a BLAAGGGGGGGG... Someone behind me trying to push me because the car would hit me...The guy was hit. I was so shock I can’t figure it out! My heart felt trembling(发抖的,哆嗦的) down. I don’t know were I’m going because after the accident I was walking far from the incident. I’m walking without direction. Until I found myself standing beside the man looking like an angel. I never thought that the man save my life is the man in my dream.

Three days ago the man who save my life was gone without any words I don’t even thank him. I don’t even know his name. I’m trying to find the man that even in my dreams. I did not see him anymore. I feel sad and guilt because I want to say a single word that came from my heart—simply THANK YOU!

Every morning I used to go the place where the incident happened. It was Monday morning again and the weather was bad. It was extremely bad! When I started to step my foot the rain started to fall. I stepped backward for I didn’t want to get wet. The man far behind me was wet. I got cold. I got my umbrella in my bag and started walking to the man’s direction. I was surprised the man standing is the man that I’ve been looking for! He smiled and said, “It was a year I been waiting this moment and praying someday we are going to meet again and this is it...”

When he was saying the words I was crying and I felt happy. We are in 10 years in marriage strong and faithful. We have two children: one girl and a boy. We live happily ever after.

