The Two Bags
2023-12-05EVERY MAN, according to an ancient legend, is born into the worldwith two bags suspended from his neck all bag in front full ofhis neighbors' faul...
The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
2023-12-05A Trumpeter during a battle ventured too near the enemy andwas captured by them. They were about to proceed to put him todeath when he begged them to ...
The Trees and the Axe
2023-12-05A MAN came into a forest and asked the Trees to provide him ahandle for his axe. The Trees consented to his request and gavehim a young ash-tree. No s...
The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods
2023-12-05THE GODS, according to an ancient legend, made choice of certaintrees to be under their special protection. Jupiter chose theoak, Venus the myrtle, Ap...
The Tree and the Reed
2023-12-05"Well, little one," said a Tree to a Reed that was growing atits foot, "why do you not plant your feet deeply in the ground,and raise y...
The Travelers and the Plane-Tree
2023-12-05TWO TRAVELERS, worn out by the heat of the summer's sun, laidthemselves down at noon under the widespreading branches of aPlane-Tree. As they rest...
The Traveler and His Dog
2023-12-05A TRAVELER about to set out on a journey saw his Dog stand at thedoor stretching himself. He asked him sharply: "Why do you standthere gaping? Ev...
The Traveler and Fortune
2023-12-05A TRAVELER wearied from a long journey lay down, overcome withfatigue, on the very brink of a deep well. Just as he was aboutto fall into the water, D...
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
2023-12-05Now you must know that a Town Mouse once upon a time went on avisit to his cousin in the country. He was rough and ready, thiscousin, but he loved his...
The Tortoise and the Eagle
2023-12-05A TORTOISE, lazily basking in the sun, complained to thesea-birds of her hard fate, that no one would teach her to fly. An Eagle, hovering near, heard...