The Mountains in Labour
2023-12-05One day the Countrymen noticed that the Mountains were inlabour; smoke came out of their summits, the earth was quaking attheir feet, trees were crash...
The Monkeys and Their Mother
2023-12-05THE MONKEY, it is said, has two young ones at each birth. TheMother fondles one and nurtures it with the greatest affectionand care, but hates and neg...
The Lioness
2023-12-05A CONTROVERSY prevailed among the beasts of the field as to whichof the animals deserved the most credit for producing thegreatest number of whelps at...
The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox
2023-12-05A LION, growing old, lay sick in his cave. All the beasts cameto visit their king, except the Fox. The Wolf therefore,thinking that he had a capital o...
The Lion's Share
2023-12-05The Lion went once a-hunting along with the Fox, the Jackal,and the Wolf. They hunted and they hunted till at last theysurprised a Stag, and soon took...
The Lion and the Statue
2023-12-05A Man and a Lion were discussing the relative strength of menand lions in general. The Man contended that he and his fellowswere stronger than lions b...
The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox
2023-12-05A LION, fatigued by the heat of a summer's day, fell fast asleepin his den. A Mouse ran over his mane and ears and woke him fromhis slumbers. He r...
The Lion, the Fox and the Beasts
2023-12-05The Lion once gave out that he was sick unto death andsummoned the animals to come and hear his last Will and Testament.So the Goat came to the Lion...
The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass
2023-12-05THE LION, the Fox and the Ass entered into an agreement to assisteach other in the chase. Having secured a large booty, the Lionon their return from t...
The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant
2023-12-05THE LION wearied Jupiter with his frequent complaints. "It istrue, O Jupiter!" he said, "that I am gigantic in strength,handsome in sha...