The Wolf and the Fox
2023-12-05AT ONE TIME a very large and strong Wolf was born among thewolves, who exceeded all his fellow-wolves in strength, size, andswiftness, so that they un...
The Wind and the Sun
2023-12-05The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger.Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the Sunsaid: "I see a way to d...
The Wild Boar and the Fox
2023-12-05A WILD BOAR stood under a tree and rubbed his tusks against thetrunk. A Fox passing by asked him why he thus sharpened histeeth when there was no dang...
The Wild Ass and the Lion
2023-12-05A WILD ASS and a Lion entered into an alliance so that they mightcapture the beasts of the forest with greater ease. The Lionagreed to assist the Wild...
The Widow and the Sheep
2023-12-05A CERTAIN poor widow had one solitary Sheep. At shearing time,wishing to take his fleece and to avoid expense, she sheared himherself, but used the sh...
The Widow and Her Little Maidens
2023-12-05A WIDOW who was fond of cleaning had two little maidens to waiton her. She was in the habit of waking them early in themorning, at cockcrow. The maide...
The Weasel and the Mice
2023-12-05A WEASEL, inactive from age and infirmities, was not able tocatch mice as he once did. He therefore rolled himself in flourand lay down in a dark corn...
The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer
2023-12-05THE WASPS and the Partridges, overcome with thirst, came to aFarmer and besought him to give them some water to drink. Theypromised amply to repay him...
The Wasp and the Snake
2023-12-05A WASP seated himself upon the head of a Snake and, striking himunceasingly with his stings, wounded him to death. The Snake,being in great torment an...
The Vixen and the Lioness
2023-12-05A Vixen who was taking her babies out for an airing one balmymorning, came across a Lioness, with her cub in arms. "Why suchairs, haughty dame, o...