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7个脑筋急转弯 测试思维是否严密


Convinced your common sense is pretty sound? You might want to put it to the test with a new quiz.


Quiz master Tom Dunbar, from Plymouth, has devised a seven question test with trick answers that's designed to find out whether you're easily persuaded or whether your logic is spot on.

So can you answer all seven correctly?

QUESTION 1: A man went outside in the pouring rain with no protection, but not a hair on his head got wet. How come?

QUESTION 2: John's father has five sons named Alan, Blan, Clan and Dlan. What did he call his fifth son?

QUESTION 3: A taxi driver is going down a one way street the wrong way, he passes twelve cops. Why does he not get arrested?

QUESTION 4: What is directly in the middle of Australia?

QUESTION 5: A soccer player kicks a ball. It goes ten feet and comes back to him. How is this possible?

QUESTION 6: On average, how many books can you put in an empty backpack?

QUESTION 7: A cowboy rode to an inn on Friday. He stayed two nights and left on Friday. How can this be?


ANSWER 1: The man is bald

ANSWER 2: John

ANSWER 3: He was walking on foot

ANSWER 4: The letter R

ANSWER 5: He kicked the ball upwards

ANSWER 6: One. After that, it isn't empty.

ANSWER 7: His horse was called Friday.
