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Thai policemen with waistlines larger than 40 inches have been ordered to reduce their weight in order to look good when they direct traffic, the police department announced Tuesday.

Recent medical examinations of 4,150 police officers in Bangkok found that 49 percent have high cholesterol and are overweight, which is "an obstacle" in directing traffic, said a statement from the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

Eighty-eight of the overweight officers whose waistlines ranged between 40 and 49 inches were ordered to join the "Smart Police," a one-month weight-loss program.

Participants will have to eat according to doctors' instructions and meet for daily exercise and evening meals at the Bangkok hospital sponsoring the program.

Those who do not show progress will also undergo acupuncture, a Chinese medical practice believed to help cure many ills, including obesity.



"We hope this will help create a better image of traffic police in the public's eyes," said police Maj. Gen. Montri Chamroon, explaining why the police force wants them to "look smart."

It was not announced what would be done with officers who failed to reduce their girth.

为维护形象 泰国超重警察被令减肥



为了改善这种局面,警察局决定让腰围在40英寸(101.60 厘米)-49英寸(124.46厘米)的88名超重警官要参游?谝桓鲈碌拿??扒崆删?臁钡募醴始苹?2渭诱呓?凑找缴?闹龈腊才乓?常?⑶颐刻煲?诼?纫皆鹤鲈硕?⑾碛猛聿汀F渲校?醴拭挥行Ч?木?旎菇?邮苷刖牧品ā6?阅切┎荒艹晒?醴实木?旖?绾未?恚?壳吧形醋龀龉娑ā?/P>
