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You are happily alone in a bar, but someone will not leave you alone. Your polite rejections do not work. The pestering goes on until you leave or someone intervenes.


It is not an unusual scene - many women will tell you this has happened to them.

这不是一个不寻常的场景 - 很多女性会告诉你这在她们身上发生过。

So when British journalist Amna Saleem tweeted about a stranger posing as her friend to help her escape unwanted male attention in a London bar on Saturday, it sparked an international conversation, much of which focussed on how other men can step in.

所以,当英国记者Amna Saleem发推特说,上周六她在伦敦酒吧里一个陌生人假扮她的朋友来帮她摆脱不必要的男性关注的时候,引发了一场国际对话,其中大部分内容都集中在其他男人可以如何介入。

More than 430,000 people liked the tweet and almost a thousand people commented with their experiences.


In reply to Saleem’s tweet, @TheOmegaGeek shared a story of pretending to know a woman whose boyfriend was "screaming at her," and giving her money for a taxi home.


Another user, Jamiel Pridgen in New York, US wrote, "Some dude was bothering this lady once on the train and she was alone so my brother pretended to be her husband and the guy left. 10 years later he is her husband".

美国纽约的另一名用户Jamiel Pridgen写道:“有一个哥们曾经在火车上打扰过这位女士,她一个人,所以我的哥哥假装成了她的丈夫,那个男人就悻悻离开了。10年后,他成了她的丈夫。”

But some women shared experiences of being followed after rejecting male attention, or being hassled on public transport, or of having to seek protection from other couples.


Nathan Moore, in the US, lays the blame at society teaching men to be "persistent".

来自美国的Nathan Moore把这归咎于社会教育让男人要“执着”。

@KittenRescuer replied: "A lot of our pop culture rewards this. For once I’d like to see a show depict a romantic relationship in a non-creepy-way".


However, not everyone welcomed the idea of a stranger trying to help them with close personal contact.


"That’s really nice, but if a random woman hugged me at the same time as a pushy bloke was hitting on me I think I’d go into ’weird overkill’ mode," wrote soyaburger.

