狗狗cos小学生 直立跑步萌翻众人
能用两条后腿站立的狗狗不算什么,用两条后腿跑步才叫牛气。常州一只背着小书包的贵宾犬不仅样子呆萌可爱,还会直立奔跑,它的独门绝技让众人惊呼:真是太萌了!不仅如此,小贵宾杰夫还会作揖、鞠躬、签名等才艺,而且它还是吉尼斯世界纪录的保持者!真是明明可以靠脸,偏偏要靠才华呢。 This is the hilarious moment a poodle dressed like a schoolboy ran through the streets on its hind legs. The dog was wearing a backpack, trousers and jumper - as well as some pink shoes as it roamed in Changzhou, eastern China. It ran across roads and on pavements, moving its little legs back and forth. A group of students was so shocked by the poodle that they gathered around it to take photos and videos - and some even petted the pooch. Poodles can reportedly walk up to two kilometers on their hind legs without needing a rest. In addition to his record-breaking talent, he is also able to shake hands, bow, ride a skateboard and even stamp his own autograph! Guinness World Records Editor-in-Chief, Craig Glenday, said: 'When Jiff first walked into our offices, we weren't even sure he was real! He looks like a living, breathing cuddly toy. 'He might be tiny but he's got a huge personality, and his wealth of talents can't be doubted. He certainly deserves his place in the new Guinness World Records book, which is particularly special this year because it marks our 60th anniversary. 'Jiff is just one of the many incredible new record holders in the book, and the first of many special announcements we'll be making.' |