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Everyone Worth Knowing 时尚公关上流名单

Everyone Worth Knowing 时尚公关上流名单  

Author: Lauren Weisberger 

List Price:$7.99

Pages: 448

Publisher: Pocket; Reprint edition

ISBN: 1416543007 


  |Character Information|


Bette Robinson is a twentysomething Emory graduate who shunned her parents' hippie ideals in favor of a high-paying yet excruciatingly boring job at a prestigious investment bank. One day, after a particularly condescending exchange with her boss (who sends her daily inspirational e-mails), Bette walks out on her job in a huff. After a few weeks of sleeping late, watching Dr. Phil and entertaining her dog Millington, Bette's uncle scores her a job at an up-and-coming public relations firm, where her entire job seems to revolve around staying out late partying and providing fodder for clandestine gossip columns. What follows is one episode after another of Bette climbing up the social ladder at the expense of her friends, family, and the one guy who actually seems worth pursuing. 

本书是Lauren Weisberger的第二本小说,这次她又以揭发时尚圈的秘密为主轴,以同样辛辣的笔触,道尽时尚生活中的肤浅与矫情。书中主角是一位家中富有的千金小姐Bette,她喜欢看爱情小说,却无法忍受朋友结婚后,留下她孤独一人,因此一时冲动辞去了人人称羡的银行工作。于是同样是社交名人的亲戚把她引荐给公关公司。在公关公司精明的女老板带领下,Bette从一个时尚白痴陷入了五花八门的时尚泡沫中……

About Author

Lauren Weisberger graduated from Cornell University. Her first novel, The Devil Wears Prada, was on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list for six months. It has been published in twenty-seven countries. Weisberger lives in New York City.

