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Today's Highlight in History:
On October 31st, 1517, Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses(论文,论点) on the door of the Wittenberg Palace church, marking the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany.

On this date:
In 1795, English poet John Keats was born in London.

In 1864, Nevada(内华达州) became the 36th state.

In 1926, magician(魔术师) Harry Houdini died in Detroit of gangrene(坏疽,脱疽) and peritonitis(腹膜炎) resulting from a ruptured appendix(阑尾破裂).

In 1941, the US Navy destroyer(驱逐舰) "Reuben James" was torpedoed(用鱼雷破坏) by a German U-boat off Iceland with the loss of 115 lives, even though the United States had not yet entered World War Two.

In 1956, Rear Admiral G.J. Dufek became the first person to land an airplane at the South Pole.

In 1959, a former US Marine from Fort Worth, Texas, announced in Moscow that he would never return to the United States. His name: Lee Harvey Oswald.

In 1968, President Johnson ordered a halt to all U-S bombing of North Vietnam, saying he hoped for fruitful(多产的,富有成效的) peace negotiations.

In 1980, Reza Pahlavi, eldest son of the late shah(伊朗王), proclaimed himself the rightful successor to the Peacock Throne.

In 1984, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated(暗杀) by two Sikh (seek) security guards.

In 1994, a Chicago-bound American Eagle ATR-72 crashed in northern Indiana, killing all 68 people aboard.

Ten years ago: During a campaign swing in suburban(市郊的) Washington, President Bush said "I have had it" with the way Iraq was treating American diplomats and hostages, but added he had no timetable for deciding on a possible military strike.

Five years ago: Stung by defeat in the secession referendum(公民投票,请示书), Quebec Premier Jacques Parizeau said he would resign as head of the bitterly divided province at year's end.

One year ago: EgyptAir Flight 990 crashed off the Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州) coast, killing all 217 people aboard.
