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Today's Highlight in History:
On November first, 1952, the United States exploded the first hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands.

On this date:
In 1604, William Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello" was first presented at Whitehall Palace in London.

In 1611, Shakespeare's romantic comedy "The Tempest" was first presented at Whitehall.

In 1765, the Stamp Act(印花税法案) went into effect(生效,实施), prompting stiff resistance(强有力的抵抗) from American colonists.

In 1861, General George B. McClellan was made General-in-Chief of the Union armies.

In 1870, the United States Weather Bureau made its first meteorological observations(气象观测).

In 1950, two Puerto Rican nationalists tried to force their way into Blair House in Washington to assassinate(暗杀) President Truman. The attempt failed, and one of the pair was killed.

In 1954, the western African nation of Algeria began its rebellion(谋反,叛乱) against French rule.

In 1973, following the "Saturday Night Massacre," Acting Attorney General Robert H. Bork appointed Leon Jaworski to be the new Watergate special prosecutor, succeeding Archibald Cox.

In 1979, former first lady Mamie Eisenhower died in Washington DC at age 82.

In 1989, East Germany reopened its border with Czechoslovakia, prompting tens of thousands of refugees(难民) to flee to the West.

Ten years ago: During a trip to Orlando, Florida, President Bush accused Iraqi forces of engaging in "barbarism(暴行)" and "brutality(残忍,野蛮)," adding, "I don't believe that Adolf Hitler ever participated in anything of that nature."

Five years ago: Bosnia peace talks opened in Dayton, Ohio, with the leaders of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia present. The House voted to ban so-called "partial birth" abortions by a vote of 288-to-139.

One year ago: Coast Guard crews searching for clues in the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990, which claimed 217 lives, found the first large piece of wreckage(破坏,残骇) off the New England coast. Former Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton, the NFL's all-time leading rusher, died of bile duct cancer(胆管癌) at age 45.
