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各国餐桌礼仪大盘点 下



Always: Lift and kiss bread when dropped on the floor.

Never: Sit your guests closest to the door. They should be seated the forthest away.

South Korea

Always: Keep pace with all of the other diners. Do not eat too fast or too slow.

Never: Make any noise by hitting your spoon/chopsticks against the bowl.


Always: Pour beer into a glass rather than drink straight from the bottle.

Never: Show the soles of your shoes when you're sitting on the floor to eat.


Always: Clap your hands to get a waiter's attention.

Never: Lick your fingers during a meal as it is extremely rude.


Always: Continue eating until you're completely finished. It is offensive for a younger person to stop eating and then begin again.

Never: Ask what ingredients are in the food. This suggests you suspect your host of trying to poison you.


Always: Indulge in slurping and lip smacking to convey the enjoyment of the meal.

Never: Show your fillings or tonsils. Always keep your mouth covered.


Always: Refill your neighbour's drink if it is half empty.

Never: Arrive early. 15-30 minutes later than told.


Always: In some Inuit cultures of Canada, it's an act of appreciation to fart after a meal.

Never: Keep your gloves on round the table. No matter how cold.
