Chop pineapple, raisins, and cherries. Combine chopped fruit with currants, peel, and citron; soak in orange juice overnight. Preheat oven to 275 degrees F (135 degrees C). Place a small pan of water in the oven. Line one 5 x 9 inch loaf pan and two 3 x 8 inch loaf pans with parchment or doubled waxed paper.
In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites to peaks. Fold into batter. Fill pans 2/3 full. Bake for 2 to 2 1/2 hours until golden brown, or until toothpick comes out clean when inserted. 做法 将菠萝、提子干和樱桃剁碎。加入栗子粉、橘子皮和橙子皮,并放在橘子汁里浸泡一整夜。 将烤箱预热至135摄氏度。在烤箱内放一小盘水。用羊皮纸或双层蜡纸将一个5x9英寸的面包盘和两个3x8英寸的面包盘系在一起。 在一个大碗内,将黄油和细砂糖融化。与打好的蛋黄搅拌在一起。再加入放了一夜的水果、果汁、坚果的混合物搅拌。加入筛好的面粉。 在一个干净的碗里,把蛋清打到最稠,使它上劲。把所有原料倒满烤盘2/3的位置。 烘烤2小时至2个半小时,直至金黄色的原料变成了棕褐色,或者插入牙签试验,如果拔出的牙签是干净的就可以出炉了。 2 cups butter 4 cups confectioners'sugar 8 eggs, separated 2 ounces candied citron peel 2 ounces candied orange peel 1 cup dried currants 1 1/2 cups candied pineapple chunks 3 cups golden raisins 1 1/2 cups candied cherries 4 cups pecans, chopped 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1/2 cup orange juice 2小杯黄油 4小杯精制细砂糖 8个鸡蛋,蛋清与蛋黄分开 2盎司橙子皮 2盎司橘子皮 1小杯干栗子粉 1杯半菠萝罐头块 3小杯金提子干 1杯半樱桃罐头块 4小杯碎核桃 3小杯筛过的面粉 半杯橘子汁 |