Ingredients 1/2 cup margarine Directons 1) In a large bowl, cream together the margarine and sugar until smooth. Stir in molasses and egg yolk. Combine the flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg; blend into the molasses mixture until smooth. Cover, and chill for at least one hour. 2) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters. Place cookies 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. 3) Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, until firm. Remove from cookie sheets to cool on wire racks. Frost or decorate when cool. 做法 1)在一个大碗里,将黄油和糖融化至糊状。加入糖蜜和蛋黄搅拌。倒入面粉,盐,烘焙粉,发酵粉,桂皮,丁香,姜和肉豆蔻;再加入刚才拌好的混合物,搅拌至糊状。盖上,冷藏至少一个小时。 2)将烤箱预热到175摄氏度。把发酵好的生面团揉到1/4英寸厚。用特制刀切成想要的形状。把切好形状的姜饼放在江米纸上,每个小饼间距离2英寸。 3)在预热好的烤箱里烘焙8到10分钟,直到姜饼定型。取出姜饼放在架子上冷却。完全冷却好之后就可以在上面画上姜饼小人的鼻子眼睛嘴了。 半小杯人造黄油 半小杯糖 半小杯糖蜜 1个鸡蛋黄 2杯筛过的通用面粉 半茶匙盐 半茶匙烘焙粉 半茶匙发酵粉 半茶匙肉桂 1茶匙丁香 1茶匙生姜 半茶匙肉豆蔻 |