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请看外电相关报道:A private hospital in Shanghai has been closed after accusations of overcharging and conducting unnecessary treatment, state media said on Wednesday.

Authoritiesrevoked the licenseof the Shanghai Consonancy Hospital after finding it had breached rules on medical treatment, equipment sterilization and waste management, the reports said.

由报道可知,“吊销执照”可用“to revoke license”来表达,如我们常说的“吊销驾照”就可表示为“to revoke a driver's license”。

此外,对医师的处罚——暂停其执业活动——可表达为“to suspend the doctors from practicing medicine”,或者也可借用“to have sth. done”句型,如:“Some doctors at the hospital had had their medical licenses suspended for up to six months.”(该院部分医师受到了暂停执业活动六个月的处罚。)
