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Throe: 痛苦挣扎


美国中央情报局长格斯日前在接受《时代》周刊专访的时候宣称,他掌握了基地组织领导人本·拉登可能下落的“绝妙情报”。不过,只有当美国在反恐领域中的“薄弱环节”都得到加强后,才可能将这位恐怖大亨绳之以法。外电报道如下:CIA Director Porter Goss said he has an "excellent" idea where Osama bin Laden is hiding, but the al Qaeda leader will not be brought to justice until weak links in counter-terrorism efforts are strengthened, Time magazine reported on Sunday.

In his first interview since becoming head of the CIA last year, Goss also told the magazine the insurgency in Iraq was not quite in its last throes, but close to it.

Goss did not say where he believed bin Laden was hiding, but intelligence experts have said the al Qaeda leader who has evaded an extensive U.S.-led manhunt is probably in the border region of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

"I have an excellent idea of where he is. What's the next question?" Goss said in the interview.

Throe表示“剧痛,阵痛”,常用作复数,特指分娩时的阵痛或临死前的痛苦挣扎,词组in the throes of表示“苦斗;挣扎”,例如:a country in the throes of economic collapse(挣扎于经济崩溃的国家);the throes of seasickness(晕船的痛苦);undergo the throes of childbirth(临产前的痛苦)。

