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Compare notes: 交换意见


参加朝核问题第四轮六方会谈的美国代表团团长、助理国务卿希尔7月25日表示,他将在会谈举行之前与朝鲜代表团团长、外务省副相金桂冠举行一对一会晤,但拒绝透露双方将讨论的内容。外电的报道如下:The U.S. envoy to six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear program said Monday he would hold a rare one-on-one meeting with his North Korean counterpart before the talks.

Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said he would meet North Korea's envoy on Monday afternoon before the full round of talks opens Tuesday after a gap of more than a year.

"We are just trying to get acquainted, review how we see things coming up and compare notes," Hill told reporters. Referring to Tuesday's talks, he said, "We are looking forward to working hard and trying to make some progress."

Compare notes的意思是“交换意见”。例如,We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during the day. (我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。)There are a few things we might compare notes on.(有些事情我们得交换一下意见。)

