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Half brother: 异父或异母兄弟


8月1日,沙特国家电视台宣读了沙特阿拉伯国王法赫德病逝的简短公告,王储阿卜杜拉成为法赫德的继承人。美国总统布什致电沙特新国王阿卜杜拉,祝贺他继承王位,并哀悼法赫德的去世。而美国驻沙特的使馆也宣布关闭三天致哀。外电报道如下:Key U.S. ally Saudi Arabia has named Abdullah its new monarch to succeed King Fahd who has died after guiding the world's largest oil exporter through 23 turbulent years.

Saudi officials said King Abdullah, who is at least 80 and has run most of the kingdom's affairs since his half brother suffered a stroke in 1995, would maintain its close alliance with the West.

As world leaders offered their condolences Monday to King Fahd, U.S. President George W. Bush promised a close partnership with Saudi Arabia under the leadership of King Abdullah, whom Bush referred to as "my friend."

Half brother意为同父异母兄弟或同母异父兄弟,相关的词组有:half-sister(异父或异母姐妹);half-blood(同父异母者,同母异父者);halfcaste(混血儿,欧亚混血儿);half-breed(杂种,混血儿,常指黑人与白人的后代)。

