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hard line: 强硬路线

据悉,以色列老资格政治家、原工党主席佩雷斯30日在记者会上宣布,他已经结束了在工党内的政治活动,并决定加入沙龙下届政府,而且将在明年提前举行的大选中支持以沙龙总理为首的前进党。外电报道如下:Under a reported deal worked out with the prime minister, Peres will support Kadima, the centrist party Sharon formed last week after leaving the hard-line Likud, but he will not officially join the party and he will not run for a seat in parliament, where he has served since 1959. Hard-line指的是“强硬路线的”,也就是政策、路线或立场坚定的,没有商量余地。如:hard-line Islamist(强硬派伊斯兰教徒)。Hard line 则表示“强硬路线”,和tough line同义。如:Japan has taken a hard line on China.(日本对华采取强硬路线。) Hard line 的反义词是soft line,意为“温和路线”。
