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I'm with Tim now. 我现在跟提蒂姆在一起了。

Come on! 别这样。

What four of us? 我们四个?哪四个?

This guy is perfect for you. 这个人绝对适合你。

He's smart, he's sophisticated, and he has a real job. 他聪明,成熟,有正当职业。

Maybe she will come back to me. 也许她会回到我身边。

Monica's not coming, it's just gonna be me and Rachel. 莫妮卡不去了,那就剩下我跟瑞秋了。

Are you sure you've thought this thing through? 你认真想过了吗?

They are going on a date. 他们准备去约会。

What does the guy look like? 那人长得怎样?

I've never met her (before). 我从未见过她。

We never do anything just the two of us. 我们从未独处过。

I don't wanna do that. 我不想那样做。

Have a good break-up. 祝你有个愉快的分手。

I am so glad you called me. 你打电话给我,我很高兴。

That's it? 就这样?

You weren't there. 你不在场。

Coming through. Move, move. 借过,让开。

They took my bag. 他们抢走了我的包。

That's not the rule and you know it. 你明知规矩不是这样的。
