
: 英语巴士网趣味英语趣味英语趣味英语内容详情


        中国银联与当当网日前推出了“固网支付”业务。简单说,“固网支付”就是把你家里的“固定电话”换成可刷卡的电话,然后在这种新型的电话机上直接刷卡,进行水、电、气、电话费、手机费、转帐等的支付。        请看《中国日报》相关报道:China UnionPay, the country's sole bankcard transactions operator, is working with a few leading Chinese e-commerce service providers to promote a fixed-line phone payment system.        The pay service uses a special phone installed at the user's end. E-commerce customers can then swipe their bankcards on the device to complete a transaction.        若要表达“固网支付”,首先得弄明白“固”即“固定电话”——fixed-line phone,跟它相对的是mobile phone(移动电话)。由此,这种新型支付业务也就不难用英文表达了:fixed-line phone payment system。
