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央行决定,自2007年3月18日起上调金融机构人民币存贷款基准利率。金融机构一年期存款基准利率上调0.27个百分点,由现行的2.52%提高到2.79% 。请看外电相关报道:

The People's Bank of China (PBOC) raised lending and deposit rates by 0.27 percentage point at the weekend, the latest in a series of tightening measures by an increasingly activist central bank.

The PBOC said in an announcement late Saturday that the benchmark one-year lending rate would be increased to 6.39 per cent while the deposit rate would be set at 2.79 per cent.

报道中的“deposit rates”指的就是“存款利率”,“deposit”在此表示“存款”,如:Customers can make deposits or withdrawals in any of the bank's branches.(储户可在这家银行的任何一家分行存款和提款。)

此外,“一年期存款基准利率”相应的英文表达是“benchmark one-year deposit rates”。“Benchmark”指“央行制定的基准利率”,特定语境下(如“外汇牌价”),也可指央行制定的“基准汇率”或“参考汇率”。

顺便再提一下“贷款利率”,其相应的英文表达是“lending rates”。
