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love-rat 爱情骗子


许多人都be scared of rats,想来和老鼠相关的都不该是好词。Love-rat,爱情老鼠,听起来也是全身不舒服。

的确,Love rats are terrible. They're people who cheat on their partners, and they're quite often men. Love-rat 爱情老鼠的真正意思就是爱情骗子,指那些经常在恋人背后出轨的人。

例句: I've met people who just can't stop cheating on their partners. They're love-rats and they're getting away with it.

对话: A: Have you read the story on Britain's biggest love-rat in the papers this morning?

B: No, not yet. What did it say?

A: Well, apparently Britain's biggest love-rat has 12 children with 12 different women, all of whom he has cheated on at least five times.

B: That's disgraceful. He shouldn't be getting away with it.

We also hear the expression love-rat used quite often in popular newspapers. 爱情老鼠这个表达也经常出现在那些通俗小报上。

Have you ever met someone who's a love-rat? 你遇到过爱情骗子吗?

