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hired WeChat readers 微信刷阅族

Hired WeChat readers are those who are paid by operators of public accounts on WeChat, a mobile text and voice messaging communication service developed by Tencent, to boost number of clicks on articles published on their platform in the hope of attracting advertisers. Most of the hired readers are so-called "water army", some college students are also taking this job during their vacations. “微信刷阅族”是微信公众号花钱雇来帮他们增加文章阅读数量的人,公众号雇佣刷阅族的目的是为了吸引广告客户。这些刷阅族以网络水军为主,其中也不乏暑期兼职的大学生。微信是腾讯公司开发的一款移动文本及语音信息通讯服务程序。 For example:There are over 10,000 clicks on that article, but more than half of that comes from hired WeChat readers.那篇文章的点击量超过1万,但有一半以上是来源于“刷阅族”的。
